護甲 & 指緣油
對指甲健康十分重要而且經常被忽略的護甲產品:指緣油——指緣油的分子比潤手霜小 更能深層修護&滋養指甲及指甲周邊皮膚、亦是手指/甲邊的第二層皮膚 形成一層透明保護膜 防止細菌走入指緣/甲溝導致感染發炎 更可以令gel甲keep得更持久有光澤!
Mani Handcare的指緣油用了8種天然植物成分例如金盞花超臨界萃取、玫瑰果油、可可巴油、維他命E等等 跟他們的潤手霜一樣 都是純素/有機/零殘忍/零防腐劑 不用擔心會有有害物質透過甲邊進入體內
建議每晚接近睡前使用:滴於指甲邊後輕輕按摩一下指甲及周邊皮膚 質地容易吸收且有淡淡花香調:玫瑰、茉莉、鈴蘭、雲呢拿&白麝香 十分治癒的晚間護理
純素 | 有機 | 零殘忍 | 零防腐劑
Nail & Cuticle Oil
Our soothing and protective Nail & Cuticle Oil blends eight botanicals into a potent formulation of fast-absorbing active ingredients which provide essential care to fingernails, cuticles and the surrounding skin around the fingertip region.
Vitamin E promotes healthy nails by delivering vital antioxidants that assist to restore and protect cells, while Marigold Supercritical Extract works magic to soothe cuticles and any sensitive skin around the fingernails. An effective combinations of ingredients hardens the nails and supports a healthy nail substance. Almond, Macadamia, Hemp, Rice, Rosehip and Jojoba oils all lend their nourishing properties to our expert formulation.
- Strenghtens nails and cuticles
- Repairs cracked and damaged nails
- Anti-Inflammatory
For the final touch, our Nail & Cuticle Oil is scented with a soft fragrance composed of Rose, Jasmine, Lily of The Valley, Vanilla and White Musk.
Vegan | Organic | Cruelty Free | Paraben Free
Made in Italy